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A true story from one of our webcam models at live 1 on 1 chat.

oktober 21, 2019

A true story from one of our webcam models at live 1 on 1 chat.

oktober 21, 2019
I never set out in life to become the subject of a webcam sex show with 1 on 1 sex chat, but then I doubt anyone ever does.
No, I wanted to be a lawyer, making a difference in the world by putting criminals away while earning big money.
Life however had different plans for me entirely.
I had just started my second year at University in Teesside, Middlesbrough when I finally realized just how little money I had to survive on until I got the next installment of my Uni loan.
Naturally, the first thing that I did was contact my parents for a tap upon the money they had already forwarded me but it was nearing Christmas and they too were watching the purse strings.
That left me two hundred and sixty miles North with virtually zero money to feed myself and pay my rent.
For several days panic had set in and I had gone through a series of meetings with various academic assistants at the university to see if there was a way that I could get any monetary assistance.
There wasn’t.
Then salvation arrived.
It was a Friday night, just two weeks before Christmas day and I had been sat in my student accommodation, enjoying the use of my internet before I was unable to pay the bill and it got cut off...or I got thrown out on the street for non-payment of rent. Whichever came first!
The knock on the door stunned me out of my depression as I lay back on my bed, and frowning, I sat up staring across the room, “Who is it?”
“It’s me, Lou”
Rolling my eyes, unable to keep from smiling at the thought of my best friend at University coming to visit me, I rose and padded barefoot across the room to open the door wide.
Without even waiting for me to invite her in, Lou breezed into my room and dropped onto the bottom of my bed, her large breasts threatening to leap from her low-cut top, “What’s up?”
Resisting the urge to point out to my friend that I had told her nearly fifty times about my money difficulties, I sat down beside her and shook my head, “ the lack of it!”
She had given me a sad smile, an arm reaching out to snake around my shoulders, “Do you want to borrow a tenner?”
I had chuckled and smiled, “Thanks Lou, but a tenner is not enough to get me out of the stuff I have found myself in”
“Bad times” she grimaced and I nodded, agreeing completely.
“Yeah bad times”
For the next half hour we had sat chatting about various ways to get money but none of them held any real chance of success and sighing, I had laid back down on the bed and closed my eyes, nodding as Lou addressed me, “Hey babe, can I use your laptop to check out some porn while I am here?”
“Yeah go for it”
She had grunted in thanks and begun to move about my room, and sighing heavily, I had laid still upon my bed, my depression growing steadier by the minute and my will to live fading with it.
“Damn she is a hot piece of the muff!”
I had chuckled, sitting up at the voice of my friend and then I was frowning at the young dark-haired woman upon the screen, trying to pretend that Lou didn’t have her hand moving inside the front of her shorts, “What are you watching...a video?”
“Nah babes” she shook her head, her right hand still moving beneath the material of her shorts, “It’s a webcam sex show?”
Intrigued I had sat forward, watching as the young woman on the screen, appearing no older than my nineteen years, began speaking to the screen via webcam, and reaching out I turned up the sound to hear what she had to say. 
“...costs just ten pounds to speak to me privately via the headpiece for five minutes ...I will be more than happy to do whatever you want on screen!”
I had blinked hard, shaking my head as I turned back to face my friend as she sat masturbating beside me, “What is this?”
She had frowned then, sighing, “Seriously babe, I am working at something here...I told you this is a webcam live sex with 1 on 1 chat!”
Nodding, I had held her gaze, “And people pay her to strip?”
“And other stuff” she confirmed, finally removing her hand from her shorts, and grinning at me, “Why the sudden interest? I didn’t think you were into girls...because if you have changed your mind we can jump in the sack right now!”
Laughing, I had shaken my head and stared back at the screen.
“I think I have figured out a way to solve my money trouble!”
A week later I was sat back in my room, dressed in just a bra and knickers as I faced my laptop, my best friend Lou sitting just out of sight with a camera in her hands. Swallowing hard, I stared back into the reflection of myself, my eyes drifting over my athletic build and my firm breasts the size of large apples, then I met my gaze, studying the high cheek-boned Asian features and brown eyes that I had inherited. 
“Are you ready babe?” my best friend had asked me, grinning.
Swallowing, I had nodded and she had reached out and turned on the laptop webcam. Instantly an image of me appeared on the screen before me and I smiled as pleasantly as I could, fighting the rising feeling of nausea in my stomach.
The rest of the night had flown by in a whirlwind of crudity and nudity as I had stripped to the skin, squeezing and pulling on my hard sensitive nipples with one hand while I pushed two fingers into my pussy with the other, groaning and moaning as I stared back at the webcam. In the five hours that I was on camera, I only had one man contact me and in the course of the evening, he spent over one hundred pounds speaking to me on the phone and through my headset using 1 on 1 sex cams. At first, as he had spoken to me I had been shy and just answered him with yes and no, but then as the evening had drawn on, I had surprised myself by getting turned on. By the time he was telling me how he loved Asian women and how he wanted to bend me over and push his big fat cock into me from behind, I was on my knees with my ass in the air, looking over my shoulder as I told him to fuck me.
When my orgasm had hit me I had nearly passed out, the wave of intensity that coursed through my body amplified by the stranger’s voice in my ear calling me all manner of vile names.
In a matter of nights, I was online again, surprised to find that this time I had twenty men waiting to converse with me, all keen to make me act out their fantasies and talk dirty to them at 1 on 1 live cam.
In no time at all my money troubles were a thing of the past and as the days rolled by, I incorporated Lou into the show, finally letting her get her hands on me, knowing the fans would love it.
And they did.
The first time she held me down forcibly on the bed by the throat and finger fucked me hard and fast, her huge tits swinging as she worked, we earned more money than I could believe.
Yet that was nothing compared to the money we made when we oiled each other up and got into a 69 position, the money coming rolling in as we ate each other’s pussy’s, moaning and groaning as we came, the thrill enhanced by the fact that countless numbers of men were watching and masturbating.
That was six months ago and I have now quit University to work at this webcam stuff like 1 on 1 live sex chat full time.
Much to my surprise, I and Lou are now a couple too, brought together by the intensity of our act and the situation, the filth developing into love. In the six months since we began, I have cleaned all of my bad credit and am now in the clear, my bank balance sporting more digits than I ever would have made as a lawyer. Next up is global domination. I and Lou have rented out the upper floor of an office building and have hired ten young women to work for us for a percentage of their takings. The money that we earn through them and our continued shows giving us the money we need to take this industry by storm, putting us firmly on the porn map. 
The future is looking great and the sex is out of this world.